Fish On! Anytime at 8-2-24 Big thanks to Dale, Reed and Lane today at Keystone Lake CPR trip. We got out on the first stop and catfish bite was above par. We quickly put 10 catfish up to 14 lbs. The morning rain clouds moved away and north wind started. The second and third try we only caught 4 more, the 4th stop just a few bites. So 14 nice blues today. We decided to give the white bass/striper a try and we didn’t skunk but for our efforts only put 3 in the boat. There were a lot of schools of them up moving around in balls which are hard to fish. The ones we did get to go to ground were just following our baits up to the boat and then going back to the ground. It was slow enough I decided to have a look at some crappie habitats but I haven’t been on them at keystone and nobody was home where I checked. The weather was spectacular but I don’t think the fish liked the cooler air or fresh rain water or pressure change whatever the case. Bait has been fairly easy to find on sand bar points throughout the lake 3 to 6ft of water. Water temps was mid 80’s, we caught blues in 10ft best and the white bass come out of 12 to 15ft. Fishing was below the threshold of nonstop entertainment except for the first stop today I’ll just redo the trip again down the road 🙂 Thanks everyone!

Fish On! 7-31-24 can book available days there anytime. Keystone Lake today, Day 2 with Roland and Family, I went on and booked Saturday this weekend, 9, 12, and 14 are next days available to fish at least for now. Fishing is predictable and good at Oologah lake and Keystone lake for a variety of species. Crappie has really turned on in my opinion and post spawn catfish is real good as well. Striped variety fish are on and off with the pressures and hours of the day but we get them every time we have tried. No failures to produce fish just may have to work harder some days than others. With the heat things will be predictable and good daily. Cleaned 20 good size catfish today and 8 large sandbass and a striper. Fishing 8 to 15 ft on both. Water temps still 85 and using cut bait, minnow, and artificial baits to produce. Thanks for choosing FISH ON!

Fish On! 7-30-24, Thanks Roland for bringing your family back for Oologah Lake today. We had a rough time getting striped fish to bite for what we put into it. They were moving around a lot making groups fairly hard to target in mid morning hours. 10 to 18ft worked best on all of them with smaller targets like blade baits. We decided to set come catfish lines and despite sitting there a while with no bites they started to come on pretty good once that played out I did some boat revamp while we got another nice blue. Moved over the the crappie pile and that bite was real good, could have had a hundred of them if focused on that all day. We had a good outing 18 sandbass 18 crappie, and 15 catfish. Cleaned 51 fish. Caught the crappie on minnows and catfish on cut shad. 85 degree water temps. Time for some Andy’s Cajun seasoning and a fish fry.

Fish On! 7/28/24 Big thanks to Robert Sr. And Jr. Carol, and Chris. Book anytime:, We fished Keystone today same as yesterday. 5 and 6lb blues were hitting but havent seen any smaller catfish or larger. Slow. That was the same yesterday. We got about half thru the trip and ran down to catch some sandbass. There were biting off bottom 50ft or more away from boat seemed best. 10ft depth. Noted water temp as 85. Overall the bite was slower than yesterday but there and good enough to get the job done. 9 blue cat and 17 white bass. OHP is doing water saftey checks on the water. Be safe out there and be prepared.

Fish On! 7-27-24, Thank you Tylin and Taylor and John. Book anytime at calls and texts are great! Water Temps are 83 approx, We did best in 14 to 6ft of water. 12 catfish, 21 sandbass some very nice ones at that, and a reel nice striper. Good time mission accomplished: