About Me
Hello, My name is Brice Pope, I’ve been a fisherman my whole life and it runs in both sides of my family. The love of being outdoors was passed down to me and it’s something I focused on. It’s a good thing for me and a good thing in my life a healthy safe way to spend time and enjoy the outdoors with friends. In times past this is part of the way my grandparent’s put food on the table. We are still putting food on the table, but I’ve come to realize what a joy it can be to share the knowledge of our local fisheries with others that want to learn and visit from out of state and even out of the country. I’ve been blessed.
We are fortunate to have good fishing in Oklahoma and I started out fishing rural areas on Glover River for Brownie, Largemouth and Green Sunfish which most of us would call Perch or largemouth perch. As years have gone by, I’ve started to focus on the lakes closer to home in NE Oklahoma, made some good friends along the way that have been doing this their whole lives. We are loaded with white bass “sandbass” blue catfish, spoonbill in every lake and river practically. The hybrid striper is one of my favorite fish to catch and they are the most powerful freshwater fish I know of and good to eat. The Dept. of Wildlife stocks them in almost every lake.
I’ve gone on to add Saugeye/Walleye to the menu for guided trips as well as crappie and blue catfish, these are the most favored freshwater fish to eat. Personally, I just like to catch fish and stay within the threshold if interest while doing it, I can take fish trolling, casting, or using bait methods. Live bait fishing is my passion and the best way to take fish. Other times artificial is going to work better especially in the hot summer months.
The fish I target is seasonal. We fish for Blue Cat, Spoonbill during the winter and early spring sandbass/white bass when they spawn is extremely productive. At this same time Spoonbill can be had as they make the runs up the rivers, also right about the same time the hybrid stripers start to get good as well as saugeye fishing, and that can go on into early July, then its time to fish for crappie and sandbass most of the summer as well as a few blue cats, also a few trips for striper to lower Illinois river, mid to late October hybrid striper fishing gets going good again, then on to blue cat and spoonbill again. Many of these species can be caught year-round. My goal is to take customers when its absolutely the best time to get plenty of them and good-sized ones.
Things have changed a lot thru the years with google maps, social media, and fishing technology all these things have shaped the sport, everything varies year to year and day to day. Its essential to go and learn and adapt, this challenge is fun and rewarding and I look forward to sharing with you. We can do educational trips or just fill up the freezer and have fun.