Fish On! 8-19-24 Thanks Dave for bringing Susan back to check out Oologah lake crappie fishing! She’s a good fisherman. We had a good outing, cleaned 42 fish. Weather was perfect and a crappie slammed on first drop. We worked over a web of brush piles this morning 8 to 15ft depth and caught on all of them. One unique 17” crappie it wasn’t a fat fish but it would go 2.5 to 3lbs, my scales were broke. A rare catch. We had some other biggins in that area that flipped off hook on us as well. I’ve got a few days open like 27th or 28th this month. Then mid september till end of september. This is what we did today it don’t mean its the only thing I’m doing. Sandbass, hybrid striper, blue catfish and crappie are all biting good and its a good time to go if you been waiting on any advice from me. Keystone is fishing real good for blues and sandbass/striper mix as well. Both these lakes are in great condition right now. Water temps running about 83 and I’ll be hanging around these two lakes till I start doing my fall and winter trips on Sooner lake. I usually run those from about November to new year. For the folks booking ahead of time. Thank You!

Fish On! 8-17-24 Checked Keystone lake today to see if rain changed anything. All good report there. Pushed off dock marked some fish and put Plenty of Blues in the boat in just 30 min up to 12 lbs. Had 2 overs. We went on to check some sandbass as well but they slowed down once the sun is up and lake is infested with white perch they seem to take over habitat. The blues slowed a little on the last couple stops but caught them on every stop and there is a bunch of them on a big flat that will hang around a while will be my guess plenty of food in about 40ft of water. Thanks James for filling in for customers that had to reschedule. Water temp 83 big party on lake by noon Saturday. Using cut shad for bait. Catfish in particular have been biting about as good as they can get. They are post spawn, hungry fast and mean business right now at keystone and oologah.

Fish On! 8-16-24, I had Brent and his son out on Oologah they wanted to try some catfish we got them all on one spot never moved and they were hitting harder than I’ve ever seen. Hard and fast. We loaded cooler with blues and a few channel cat. I wanted to check some sandbass/hybird schools and they were home and I mean by the thousands just not biting good at the time we tried them which was late morning. It’s been a early morning bite for sandbass/hybrid but that is on and off thru the day and can depend on how many boats are hitting them. Crappie has been best midday. Caught blues in 15 to 25ft of water. Caught sandbass in 20ft and water temp up a little to 83. Water in lake looks clearish still. Rain hasn’t messed anything up on oologah. Fishing with cut shad on anchor today. I’ve got days open next week!

Fish On!, Thanks Richard, John, and Cody for choosing fish on guide service. I guided a combo trip on Oologah today, started on sandbass and hybrid and racked up 29 of those, wasn’t a perfect bite but real darn good. Fishing artificial baits banging them off bottom and using livescope to stay on them. Switched over to crappie and went around pulling 4 or 5 good ones from most piles but a lot of them were not biting, however as the sun got stronger so did the bite. It was real good the last couple hours and John took to it like a fish to water. Real good fishermen today and a lot of fun. I’ll be doing combo trips on Oologah and Keystone till about mid October for Blues, Hybrid, Sandbass, Crappie, or we can go all in on any of those. As the season changes I’ll move to Sooner lake in November and December for hybrid striper live bait fishing. I’d book ahead of time. Water temps was holding at 80 fishing was best in 8 to 18ft of water fishing will remain strong. Cleaned 52 crappie 29 sandbass and a couple 6lb hybrid. Customers did family photos today so I got pics of the fish. Fish ON! Call or text if needed.

Fish On!, 8-11-24, Thanks Steve again for second day of fishing Oologah Lake. We tried some live bait fishing today. Wasn’t great but managed to catch a hybird and a few sandbass early on as well as catfish. Once the sun was out enough those groups of fish started moving around running away from boat. Artificial baits was lights out on the second stop. We looked things over at 4 locations and caught sandbass or hybrid at all of them. Had some nice fish slip the hook today. Hybrids on Oologah are extremely large and powerful 6 to 8lbs seems the norm and they can tear the hell out of any lure and rip off in some cases. Things are getting more organized to hit some artificials. If its anything like last summer it will go on for quite some time. Had 9 striper 45 sandbass and 7 catfish today plus whatever we released. Screwed up striper photo somehow didn’t take or didn’t save. Water temp was down to 80 using various artificial lures and live and cut shad. Catfish are biting good so are crappie at this location. Catfish was reel good on keystone now as well. Will just keep on keeping on. Fishing is good enough I’d book one.