We had a really nice day on the water today conditions were good with Mike and Karen. They wanted to go after catfish so we focused on that and we caught a few on the first stop and got quite a few in the second and third stop. I checked one area on my way down the river and then out to an area where I knew we would get plenty and we did lots of action nothing too big anywhere today but plentiful and Nice sand bass and a nice hybrid. Most of the fish were caught anywhere from 5 feet to 20 feet of water in current. I cleaned 25 fish and we threw back at least 10 they was worried about me having to clean them but it was also sportsmanship behavior that I can respect. They produced more meat than the sandbass and probably a better quality. I like the sandbass too personally 😉 Call me if you’d like to schedule a trip we have openings

Did a afternoon trip to Ft Gibson today. Fishing was good. Bait has been easy, found some spoonbill and got those tags filled real quick then moved on to some sandbass and got plenty of those. Cleaned 80 fish. Water flowing on and then off. Fishing seems good either way. We probably did get more bigger white bass after the water went off but they move in and out as your fishing so who knows for sure. We caught a tagged sandbass, we all had a awesome Easter afternoon! Still got one or two days open, call me and we will go. 

Good Friday, had repeat customer Allen and his boys it was busy day at the grand river. We started off catching sandbass on the first stop the fish were pretty small so we moved on and continued to catch fish at every place we checked out except one that was a gar hole. We did get our bigger fish. At least one large catfish broke a line at the boat then turned around and caught another and a 30lb spoonbill . I’d say about 20% of the sandbass were female. Wind and waves were pretty bad in a few areas. Fish caught in 12 to 18ft of water. Didn’t get great photos had to leave and get to hospital. Thanks for choosing FISH ON! I’m pretty sure I had 3 groups on the water today lol. At one point we counted 30 boats just the ones we could see.

Boat 2: FISH ON!!! I did a trip today for Larry's Hook Line and Sinker on the upper end of Fort Gibson with Jeff and Shawn. It was non stop action from the time we started til they cried uncle. We fished for 2 hours and caught right at 100 Sandbass. Some reel Lee good size females. We caught all on fresh Shad in about 12fow. Water temp is 56degs.

Boat 1: Went to Ft. Gibson again yesterday to guide a trip for a wedding party of five. Couple good friends at this point on the boat. Meant to mention everyone can check out our new fishing report section at fishonok.com if you don’t get Facebook. We did the trip after school trip yesterday we put the brakes on some spoonbill then went on to catch sandbass. Once we got them going it was nonstop doubles and triples all I could do to keep up till cooler got full and we went to clean fish. It was awesome! I’ve still got 2 days open this month or more especially if Dave wants to take some calls. Let me know let’s get em booked I’m officially addicted to catching sandbass. Sooo many awesome reports today it’s at its peak or getting that way.

We had a fun day at Fort Gibson lake today. With Garry his group got sick but he went on with me and I’m glad he did. Down from Kansas thank you for spending your time with Fish On Guide Service. Spoonbill was just as easy as it can get in fact we just did most of it with one rod and couldn’t seem to keep the fish off the hook, then we moved to the sand bass which was more difficult starting out anyway. Tied on more weights to combat massive water flow and figured a few things out on technique then we caught fish fast as we could feed them till we had enough. Conditions today were some of the worst I’ve ever worked in. 30 mph winds with opposing 8 mph current. Massive swells and roller waves lots of trash in water. Just lovely. We had fun.