Fish ON Skiatook today with Allen, William, and Terry. Good fisherman and thanks for choosing my service. We had a lot of timid striped fish today that would bite a little and leave it compared to yesterday. There’s no trouble finding fish on sonar at this point. Seems like 30ft of water is the ticket. In some cases where the thermocline merges with the bottom of the lake seems good to me. That depth can vary. . Big catfish was biting today either that or I just landed on them. We had very large flathead again followed by some 6 to 8lb blues and at least 5 of those which over 5lbs to me is pretty uncommon. I hope they keep it up tho. 8 or more of the white and striped hybrid and a perch. I cleaned 43 fish today compared to the 59 or more yesterday. We had a good time a few doubles going and stuff like that. Quite a few real rod benders and had a leader break unexpectedly again on presumably a heavy fish. I’m doing what I can with it and it’s good and fun. Hybrids are up and down and folks are having fun all around but I’m not seeing any of the avid fisherman pound out 4 person limit or even a 2 person hybrid limit consistently so plan on catching a variety of fish and not knowing what to expect. Seems like they hybrid striper are just a few bonus surprise fish for now. Starting to wonder if that is how it’s going to go. We didn’t do much on photos the hybrid are in there
Bite was on fire today with Keith and Perry at Skiatook Lake. I launched the boat and end up fishing about 50 feet away from the ramp and just annihilated sandbass while I was trying to rig up some new lines so we could go after some hybrids. Hybrids have been not swarming, but very rewarding when you get them I’m choosing to go after larger size personally I think that’s better if you’re only going to get a few at least get real big ones. We’re catching fish about 30 feet on bottom and the striped fish slow down on their bite about 11 am. Catfish bite was excellent today. Everything was real hungry. I cleaned 59 fish or may have been 69 got hot and forgot. Threw back half dozen or more smallish ones. Call me if interested there are a few opening on Dave’s boat this month if he wants to fill them and he has some next month. I have end of June open. It should only get better. Broke another line today omg they do it every time!! Drive me crazy. Keep ramping up the gear but there are always other factors involved.
We had a nice adventure today With Luke, Holden and David. I went Driving around looking for hybrids or any kind of fish that I could catch. I found some nice Bait schools and marks on our first stop but it yielded no fish just some perch sitting around under the boat. The second stop was much better I dropped off of a sharp incline and marked some larger fish I think the boat spooked them away but they come back. Bobo thumper got them to bite. Along with some cut bait and other things. 8lb fish. 6 and 7. There were sandbass and perch loaded same area they seem to hang out in some cases. I moved on to the 3rd stop and same scenario. Caught several nice fish there as well. We had started a little later than usual it seems like the fish are biting best in the morning of course and then late in the day. Good luck if you’re trying them. Look for fish surfacing. We did ok on some catfish as well but many of them come off the hook they get a little grumpy in the midday sun and don't fully commit.
Good day on skiatook with Randy and his family. Thank you for choosing FISH ON guide service. Targeting hybrid striper and blue catfish. Hybrid are difficult and require a lot of patience and time at the moment, we didn’t give it much today. I was hoping to get a few big ones then move on. We seen hybrid surfacing and groups of them on sonar that didn’t want to bite. We caught one reeling in a bait from deeper water. Lot of the hybrids are coming in water up towards the surface on freelines and downlines . Catfish are easy and get busy and stay that way. It’s getting there. Cleaned 36 fish yielded 20lbs of fillets. Fishing at 50 to 56ft. Water temp 66/67 degrees I’m thinking this will turn on at 68/73 but that’s just my theory. Should take just a day or two.