Fish ON! 11-19-24 Book 24/7 at or troll the blog. Thanks Jim for organizing the event again this year. Hybrids were biting steady today. We would move in on them and have to wait a while for them to come back to the boat then they would bite short, another 5 to 10min and then they would go on and take em down. We had on doubles a few times nothing overwhelming and yet not what I would call slow considering we had more than 60 to take home and at least 58 of them were wipers. I’m still getting them in 19 to 23ft of water. Water temp 58/59 I’m still using fairly large shad and haven’t caught much perch to speak of. I’m catching better just fishing along the banks rather than submerged main lake points. We caught 4 Bass today up to 4lbs as well and a couple short saugeye.

Fish On! 11-17-24 Sooner Lake Headed out with Juan and his group on a meat hunt. Beautiful day low winds compared to the mess the day before.. Fish looked pretty suspended on sonar and they behaved similar. The morning bite was present but not strong. We got them on the first 3 stops racked it up to 17. We went looking and I put us on them a couple more times but no bites, On these slow bite days if your catching don’t move just be patient would be my suggestion. We Decided to switch over to catfish and they were biting good, fast for sooner got 8 of them in no time. We had 2 fabulous saugeye over 20” and a couple 18” as well.. water temp was 59 give or take a little. Hybrids are hanging in 20ft they just wasn’t moving/hunting much today.

Fish On! 11 – 16–24 been staying on them at Sooner lake. Today was very windy. I ran out to my favorite spot to fish and we was getting it on !we caught 17 real fast then they just disappear. I pounded my way back up the lake In heavy swells and found them again fishing along the banks in about 20 foot of water not seeing much of anything on sonar. I think water temperature dropped into the upper 50s couple of degrees down to 58. I’m also catching hybrid over deeper water but I’m still setting my lines at 20 feet. Cleaned 58 eaters today and sent home a whole bunch of bagged up ready to eat meat! I’ve got openings in December if you need something sooner call me anyway. Thank you Tony, Harvey, Dusty. For driving out to see me and check it out. We want catfish so we’re going to get that fixed sooner

Fish ON! 11-15-24 Sooner Lake today. Caught most of our fish on the first stop I could tell a difference in their attitude by looking at sonar and sure enough it was hard to get them to bite. We caught most of our fish on freelines, fish were boat shy. By fish I mean Hybrid Striper and we got them on every stop but only two locations gave me a steady bite for awhile had doubles on a couple time. rest of the stops sent me looking, after catching a couple. We also got some over deep water setting lines at 20ft over 60ft, got a few on cut bait. CPR today got several over 20” is about all I can say. . Hard to believe day before was one of the most action packed trips I can remember and then bla by comparison the day after 🙂 Got 20 anyway and had a good time. Thanks Bob see you again in December!

Fish ON! 11-15-24 for 24/7 booking, call or text me anyway I’ll work with you on date needed. We flat out slayed them on Sooner again, today may have been the hottest bite. 2 quads and at one time got 5 on at same time continuous doubles. 2hrs of insanity limited 3 anglers. I’m still fishing 20ft of water at various locations. 2hrs of Blue cat fishing yielded 4 Blues up to 14lbs and nothing under 7lbs fishing 58 to 62 ft of water. Fish released unharmed. Weather and fishing was as close to perfect as It could get. Thanks Jessi, Joe, and Joe! Its been a year or two but glad you remember me and had a good time. Yesterday will go down as unforgettable. Lake level normal water temp 61, Live shad on downlines and freelines and some cut shad here and there. I’ve got openings in December don’t be fraid to book we won’t go if its frozen, windy or bad weather. Afternoons are real nice. Thanks to everyone that helps support my fishing guide service. It’s a lot of gas, time and expenses to really keep it right and I keep it right 🙂 Fish just have to do their part 🙂