Fish On! 6-7-24 Guided a morning and afternoon trip on skiatook with advanced warning about bite slowing down. Morning trip was ok I knew I was in trouble when I hit 9:30 with 3 fish in the bag. As the sun come up the schools tightened up we bagged a couple on the last 2 stops and got our limit on overs plus one and not a 2 man limit.. Limits have been off a few days now unable to complete limits. Luckily it was just a 2 party crew and plenty of meat was sent home and then the afternoon trip tiny young man last day visiting with grandpa! We got to catch a good 22” hybrid striper and another smaller one running with it. Yep the boat traffic and afternoon bite was not any better than morning, but I was pleased that the little man caught his biggest fish and possibly first fish as well! I enjoy hearing these things sooo much.. Can’t say getting there at first light helped me much on the AM trip. Or staying late helping me much on the PM trip. Plenty of fish on sonar they are just not hanging around the boat long. That is what it is. 10.5 hrs fishing on a 14hr round trip work day for 9 hybrid. Moving on. Saturday group decided to hold off for now. I’ll keep everyone posted its very busy I’m taking way more calls needing immediate seating that I can not accomidate. I’ll work my way thru what is on the agenda this very very busy month when it comes to fishing and will likely roll right into next month. Got to stay on some action tho. Will see what comes along next few days and weeks.
Fish On! 6-6-24 Grind on Skiatook again got er up to 12 on the clicker today. Got our overs. Hit them from 28ft to 44ft water temps 67 approx on surface. Big thanks to Mike at ABC! Customers hanging in there. No complaints big fish
Fish On! 6-5-24 Guided morning outing on Skiatook. Off to a good start most hybrids caught on first stop we went around picking them off one at a time yesterday till we called it quits after a couple overs rolled over the side on the last stop. a fish short of 3man limit. Sent home a gallon apiece fillets along with white bass, catfish, bass and hybrid striper.
Fish On! 6-3-24 We started off with some weather concerns but was able to fish a couple spots before the storms come in. Cleaned fish under shelter had lunch and headed home. We are coming back to try again in a couple days. We were off to a ok start was going to be a grind again about same as yesterday.