Fish On! Sooner lake Again today with 23 nice hybrids 7 pound striper, 29 perch and 2 saugeye. Cleaned 55 nice fish. Several stops kept us busy I had to just keep moving once the bite died off. Hybrids were a lot more shy today preferring to take down lines as far away from the boat as possible. Another satisfied customer. Call to book I’ve got a lot of weekdays open and at least one Saturday coming up soon somebody will want that! Just let me know. Thanks Mark for using my service and you’re welcome back anytime!

We had one of the best hybrid striper trips today. I noticed things had ramped up our daily averages had already surpassed last year. Today was what exactly everybody is looking for in a hybrid trip nonstop mob of fish attacking boat. We pulled off a four-man limit of 80 and boxed a two-man limit of 40. Water temperature was 60° and I was just fishing along lake points 15 to 30ft It started off with smashing down lines all morning and then later in the day it was free lines gradually falling thru water. live baits. setting a lot of lines close to boat. They come running. Thanks Chris For following me on Facebook and booking with me!

We had a spectacular day at Keystone again I keep switching back-and-forth to fishing different areas and doing good. However today the hooks I’ve been using previously just wasn’t working very good at all so I switched things up again to meet the needs of the fish although a lot of them did escape we got plenty to go at a count of 30 with 7.5 gallons of meat. We had a fun time catching and good fellowship! I was fishing 22 to 28 feet of water I forgot to make note of the water temperature but the fish are in a winter pattern in the main channel areas. Thanks Dale and Danna and Dave for making the trip possible! I have a lot of openings so call to book a trip I’m doing good on hybrid I’m doing good on catfish!

Weather was good and had free time so I hosted a trip to Sooner yesterday with my friends Dave and Butch truly a pleasure to have some highly experienced striper fisherman on board. We found some hybrids on several spots and one big angry wad of them i’ve been keeping an eye on that spot for awhile. Sometimes they’re there sometimes they’re not. We boated 25 Nice size hungry hybrids, a catfish, couple drum and a couple stops the perch was just overwhelming. I’d say it’s time to go if you want your fall trips to sooner. I like the way it is right now. Don’t have to do much thinking just set up and they come to you. Fish bit at 25 to 28ft.

Did a scouting trip to Sooner lake today. Started grinding thru a few tactics and patterns till we started getting a few Hybrid. Second stop yielded 18 saugeye couple keepers. The ones i caught i didn’t see anything on sonar to indicate they was there, we just had to fish it. Basically everything is real tight to the floor of the lake they take interest for awhile and move on. One stop yielded 13 perch, i let that roll for awhile. Nice 5lb LMB come along. We doing a fish fry right now heck yeah! Got a lot of openings! If you want to go we will show up and hit it a lot harder. Small shad seemed best 17 to 28ft.