Did a recreational trip to keystone today to stay on the catfish. lake has dropped a little the fish have recessed into deeper water a bit as well mud line has pushed way down the lake. We did good from 15ft all the way to 35ft in clear and stained water. Looking for roving schools of fish on flats in or near some of the typical hangouts. Yep we found them. It wasn’t a feeding freenzy and wasn’t easy but they would come on pretty good once you got settled in had a lot of pairs and even 4 at a time on two spots. Got a nice one man limit of blues and found spoonbills stacked up real nice I didn’t have time to get after them but they would have been easy. Gar are everywhere but they only bit in shallow water. Pics are not great we released most of the fish and 9 of the bigger ones we kept alive.