Fish On! 1-25-25 It was a pleasure to have Eric, Justin and Phil on board today for Keystone Lake Blue Cat fishing. We headed out to first stop and sat there a while and they turned on. Boxed 12 on a 3 man limit up to 8lbs. I had high hopes at that point. Once that died off it was move and catch a couple the rest of the trip till we dialed up 37 for the outing. Not fast action but worked hard, maybe harder than usual to make it happen. We got Ice on the lake with second cold front which has thawed. Water temps are 35 and fish are now roving up and down the lake over a 6 or more mile stretch of water from 16 to 40ft theyre not hurting for food with the cold temps and shad kill but by some miracle are still biting good enough to show up and do the deal. Sent home 80lbs of fillets for example. I have a ton of weekdays open and Feb 9,16,22,23 for weekends. I can use some calls and booking to help keep bills paid but not going to run trips in frozen conditions or do anything stupid either. I will keep it fun and we will catch fish or stay home is my policy.