Fish On! 12/29/24 I took Toby and his Dad and Son out on Keystone today with full intentions of stocking meat and we got us a 3 man limit and threw back bigger fish. Likewise bigger fish were mostly taking a pass on the baits today. But nothing I’d consider small either. Lotta quality fish and been that way. We got them up to 12lbs as I predicted and still real large groups of feeding hunter fish roving around out there several doubles, and at least one triple on at once. Plenty of action book anytime at water temp was up to 45 been a little warmer lately. Fishing will stay good if you want to put up some catfish I’d say give me a call and we will book it and work around the weather or whatever it takes to get it done. I’m easy going on it. Keep it fun. Thanks Toby for being a repeat customer we are going to have a hard time topping your choice in dates to get on them any better