Fish ON! 11-15-24 Sooner Lake today. Caught most of our fish on the first stop I could tell a difference in their attitude by looking at sonar and sure enough it was hard to get them to bite. We caught most of our fish on freelines, fish were boat shy. By fish I mean Hybrid Striper and we got them on every stop but only two locations gave me a steady bite for awhile had doubles on a couple time. rest of the stops sent me looking, after catching a couple. We also got some over deep water setting lines at 20ft over 60ft, got a few on cut bait. CPR today got several over 20” is about all I can say. . Hard to believe day before was one of the most action packed trips I can remember and then bla by comparison the day after Got 20 anyway and had a good time. Thanks Bob see you again in December!