We went after hybrid this morning on skiatook with Terry, QL, Davone. it was slow and difficult they are scattered and don’t come up to the boat good, if one is in range or wants to come around it’ll hit. You can mark them in groups and they scatter from boat immediately. Perch are annoying they move in and are everywhere high and low. Had one hybrid on slow trolling that got loose. Went after catfish after the hybrid bite totally failed did ok on those. Hard to get on a spot that will deliver blue cat consistently as well but we found a couple spots and every fish was moving north. Our back lines would get pulled under boat and we’d miss them the front lines would get pulled down we could see those better and hook up. Cleaned 30 fish exactly. All going about same as last month. You might get lucky on hybrid and get 10 or 15 or you might get 5 or 2. And that’s about what she’ll produce.