Fish On! 8-17-24 Checked Keystone lake today to see if rain changed anything. All good report there. Pushed off dock marked some fish and put Plenty of Blues in the boat in just 30 min up to 12 lbs. Had 2 overs. We went on to check some sandbass as well but they slowed down once the sun is up and lake is infested with white perch they seem to take over habitat. The blues slowed a little on the last couple stops but caught them on every stop and there is a bunch of them on a big flat that will hang around a while will be my guess plenty of food in about 40ft of water. Thanks James for filling in for customers that had to reschedule. Water temp 83 big party on lake by noon Saturday. Using cut shad for bait. Catfish in particular have been biting about as good as they can get. They are post spawn, hungry fast and mean business right now at keystone and oologah.