Fish On! 7-30-24, Thanks Roland for bringing your family back for Oologah Lake today. We had a rough time getting striped fish to bite for what we put into it. They were moving around a lot making groups fairly hard to target in mid morning hours. 10 to 18ft worked best on all of them with smaller targets like blade baits. We decided to set come catfish lines and despite sitting there a while with no bites they started to come on pretty good once that played out I did some boat revamp while we got another nice blue. Moved over the the crappie pile and that bite was real good, could have had a hundred of them if focused on that all day. We had a good outing 18 sandbass 18 crappie, and 15 catfish. Cleaned 51 fish. Caught the crappie on minnows and catfish on cut shad. 85 degree water temps. Time for some Andy’s Cajun seasoning and a fish fry.