FISH ON! Skiatook lake again. Thanks Brian and Alan for being good repeat customers and good friends. We started out a little later than usual with dismal conditions. a miss on the first stop but found some hybrids on second and third stop in a new area which was cool. By then the midday bite was not good. It turned on again later and we started picking up hybrids at several locations. Nice 7lb fish for the big one. We did 8hybrid and limited on overs again. I think everyone of them came on in 60ft of water or more. Live Shad on downlines and cut bait away from boat got them too. Chumming a lot don’t seem to help, takes a minute for them to come on eventually the bite dies off have to move. Most of the was very timid bites and didn’t fight a whole lot today till they seen the boat. 6 till 10 or 11am is morning bite and about 3 till 6 is evening seems best to me.