Fish On! Skiatook : Book online 24/7 at Call me anyway if it shows booked I may split a day to accomidate your plans. MAY 28TH JUST OPENED. Water temps today were running 69. We fished a variety of conditions from light variable winds to sun and clouds and a short storm. We sheltered and cleaned fish till the rain passed and went on back out in a stiff south wind and hammered out our Hybrid limit along with 18 sandbass and 4 catfish. Thanks John for bringing your family we got a lot of great family photo’s today and fish up to 7lbs. Fishing has been good this season and will stay that way don’t be afraid to book in June even. I’m still fishing ledges and dropoff’s at 30 to 40 ft of water. Live gizzard shad on downlines and freelines. Thanks to everyone that chooses FISH ON!