Fish On! Thanks Robert You and your team were an absolute blessing to have out today. Thank you so much for choosing my service. We started out doing a little spoonbill trolling it was pretty slow. We had 2 fish on and both of the darned things managed to escape the hook after we busted up that school of fish they were wild and dodging the hooks, We decided to go on to the white bass portion of the trip I did a little looking and feeling around with the current and settled on a place. It took a while to get them swarming around the boat but when they did it was hammer time. I had 5 experienced fisherman today and we flat packed the cooler, the fish was all going to different homes so I just made sure we got plenty to send home for everyone. We also fished till the last bait, honestly with that many lines hammering it didn't take long to boat over 200 fish. I cleaned 165 of them which is more than usual. There was so much boat traffic and action going I couldn't set the catfish lines. Bait was a little harder to catch today I think they cut off the water and some of them went out in the channel. I'm moving the start time up a little over the weekend and future trips to get a little more fish time to play around. Tip for today if there is some current try to find some slack water along the edges of the channel for downlines, use florocorbon leaders and live shad. If the water is off fish middle of channel and anchor up the boat so it can't blow around and scare the fish. I've still got openings 16,17,23,24 this month. We can target paddlefish, White bass, and Catfish. Sometimes we can get all three on one session but things have to be just right to make that happen. Book anytime at