Fish On! Mark and Marlin come back today to check out sooner lake before the cold hits. We focused on blue cat and as usual we caught some on every stop. Earlier in the trip we had several slip the hook for some reason. I finally found a good group of them and we pulled a 20lb and a 26lb overall we got 13 of them. 4 hybrid a couple of white bass and maybe 15 white perch which were difficult today. None of it's been exactly easy but willing to work you're gonna get some nice fish. Live shad and fresh cut perch is the ticket. There has been a ton of people this last month that have caught their personal best on catfish including today. We caught fish from 82 feet to 55 feet with the 55 being the best. Water temperature on the west side of the lake was 39° compared to about 41° on the main lake. They started generating today so there could be a thermal change. I missed out on the big hybrid blowup on the way out seen it from parking lot. Sometimes that happens late in the day this time of year. Fish are roving around in pretty tight wadded schools right now. Don't be afraid to call and book one let's wait about a week to let the cold front pass.