Fish On! Thanks Jeri and Leon for making it out! We did a combo trip again hybrids and blues. started off on some hybrid stripers and that didn't take long about soon as a bait hit bottom. They didn't hang around long but we found another spot and got some more of them there as well. I counted 20 hybrid and striped combo. And at least 10 of those were over 20 inches. Also cleaned about a dozen perch they didn't bite as good but wasn't trying too hard either. We moved onto some blue cat I didn't hit them on the first stop but we got them good on the second stop boating a 38 and a 48 pound Blue along with several smaller ones up to 12 pounds. I've been able to keep track of both species pretty much for awhile now. Would be a good opportunity for anybody wanting to catch their personal best.. Water temp is 45° and we caught fish from 28 foot to 70 foot of water. Fishing live shad and cut perch.