I had Randy Cage Dawson and Grandpa out yesterday. Started off as a cool calm morning and we got a little hybrid action, got a good one on a freeline slow trolling and had another one pull a planer board under and it didn’t slip the line so the fish used it to break off. Uugg! Had a couple pulldowns that didn’t hook up. Trolling fairly large Shad about 1/2mph on 1/8oz freelines away from boat just driving around in open water where fish are scattered. Seems like that bite slowed down about 10am decided to do some catfish for a couple hours they was there but the bite was real slow boats passing nonstop keeping things churning probably didn’t help. Sandbass loved the trolling I reckon had about 8 of those and 5 catfish to go with it. And a nice smallmouth. Worked hard as possible fresh bait and everything I know to do. And that’s what we got.
Did a second trip in the afternoon asked Steve if he wanted catfish or hybrid. And we went for catfish I took a little time looking around and settled on a spot with many on sonar. It took about 15 minutes to start bite then we would pick on off about every 5 minutes and kept getting faster till it was good about when sun shifted a little 4pm approx that’s when hybrid struck as well. Boats never stopped raging Basically fishing boat highway one thing for sure everyone had some place to go. Did 17 catfish and a hybrid.