Fish On! Sooner lake today. Started out kind of similar to yesterday a lot of birds hitting the water on the main lake. And I think our first stop was one of the best ones again. Things were slower than yesterday I don't know if it's going to continue that way but they didn't hang around boat long before loosing interest. One stop had a alarming number of perch. We caught 2 to 4 hybrid on each stop up till about 11:30 never got anything going after that. Warm side of lake is looking better on sonar however the fish ran away from boat there so that didn't work. Smaller live bait seem to work best even though the perch get after them. I was fishing 35 to 55 feet of water and by middle of the day the bite was just totally off so we called it good cleaned up 13 hybrid Striper 13 perch and three catfish, 14 pound blue, 5 pound channel cat and a 4 pound flat head. It was about 2° water temperature difference between the cold side and warm side being at 56 and 58