Fish On! Yessir got on em good today at Sooner 60 hybrids, 60 plus perch and white bass, along with a couple saugeye fishing a rocky drop off at 30ft one stop was all it took. I didn't note the water temps and I'm using livescope to pick up on signs of fish they are moving and cruising the best bet is get in a path they travel. They're very willing to bite. Honestly I forgot to note the water temperature but it's been anywhere from 55 to 60° depending on location in the lake and time of day. Big thanks to Troy Judy Pat and JT for coming out and making it possible. If you're looking online and trying to schedule something for this month and looks all booked up just call me and we'll see if one of the other guides can cover the trip. It's good enough hate for anyone to miss it. And I have this coming sunday open I also can do Wednesday the 8th if needed. I've also got to confirm my Tuesday the seventh booking. If it opens up I'll let everyone know. To me it looks like Facebook is murdering my photos and I wish that would work like it always has in the past. I can barely keep up with my job much less social media