Fish On! Keystone just barely getting any blues yesterday on a 3 boat fishing outing. I started out kinda deep at 22 ft not getting bites I worked my way up shallow and eventually moved back deeper again. I can't say I caught any fish deeper as they were all around the edges of lake off sandbars some shallow and some in creek channels. One thing I can say fishing open flats and river channel did nothing for me. I think the fact we was just in cleaner water towards the end helped much as anything. If I wasn't in stumps I wasn't catching fish. That being said we had one giant of a fish get in a tree and wrap up. We couldnt pull up our line so I just left it tight in the rod holder but I seen my floater pop to surface so big fish broke the 40lb leader and we stayed wrapped up in the tree sigh. Fish moved, weather conditions changed etc our scouting missions didn't help much. We managed up a gallon of fresh fillets and I met one of men in our group and gave them 4 gallons of fish fillets for fish fry party. Tough day for me but we had fun. We are going to do this again. Thanks Jacob for choosing fish on guide service. We had Flathead, Channel and Blues, water temp was 65.