Fish On! Oologah today I got a call from Tom loaded up his life long friend and grandson and I really liked my guests. Knowledgeable men in the olds ways of fishing and hunting here here in green county. We decided to target catfish and i tell ya what that was easier said than done. I skipped around a few times and found a couple locations holding fish but you could tell they could take it or leave it today heck we had doubles and stuff so not too bad. We moved on to some crappie darn that was down a little to. We still got 40 crappie ans 10 blues so I mean heck I can't complain just had to work harder. Just move more and such, catfish are liking deep whater on windblown banks. 35 ft. Crappie are liking oh I'd say 10 to 15ft. Water temps about 75-77 sunlight is not as long and things are changing and so will I. Lotta boats grinding today so my calls and general fishing interest is back up specially on beautiful days like today. Looking forward to tomorrow. Call anytime or book anytime at I'll put ya on them. How about a that we caught a big healthy 35lb spoonbill today, snagged er with a circle hook right in the snout. I want to complain about it being slow but heck I cleaned 50 fish that's about right on a slow day right now.