Get with me and let’s book some fishing trips! Check this out Fort Gibson report today we got Spoonbill, channel cat, blue cat, drum, turtle, carp, white bass. I was cruising to the fishing hole this morning and see massive piles of spoonbill which I couldn’t pass up there at the bridge. We started going through those pretty quickly and the current came on strong and changed things we got one last fish got them tagged and moved down to white bass, which was pretty much instant so we filled up a couple of boxes of fish today and decided to catfish. Made the first cast it never hit the ground made the second cast pretty much the same and it just went on and on with cut Shad until we had boated 23 catfish. 90 white bass and tagged 3 spoonbill.. The water is coming up right now the catfish like it along the backwashed banks about 3 to 6ft. The white bass is similar in running water on gravel bars which are now submerged. Target them about 8 to 10 feet. Spoonbill move around changes all the time. Early morning seems good. Cloudy rainy days seem good for sandbass but the bite is almost bulletproof any day. If they’re not running water and you go out there at noon you might have a little trouble getting them going.