Thanks Tony for coming back and bringing your family this time! Your support means a lot. Same to all my customers. Had a request to do keystone striper today. We got a early start netted up some bait and headed over to try some live bait fishing on downlines. I located some feeding fish on livescope at 15ft and we pretty much bagged our limit in an hour or so. Once again had some morning storms nearby but we was lucky and they missed us. Rolled up on another point and bagged some real nice bass and decent striper there as well. Hate to say it but we lost some powerful fish that buried the rods managed to wrap em up and break the lines. Had 8 catfish mixed in as well up to 8lbs. We located sandbass easily enough when the striper bite faded off, Sandbass was pretty finicky but we got a few. water temps was 75 to 80 degree. Shad pretty easy to locate, Fish biting 15 to 20ft. Seen some midday blowups and fished those as well. Nice cooler of fish.